One Minute Brief of the Day: Take the Adobe Inspiration Generator for a spin and then create posters based on the three words it gives to you!! #BeatTheBlank

We’re excited to bring you the second of our collab briefs with Adobe today and today you’ve got even more creative freedom as the Adobe Inspiration Generator will provide all sorts of combinations and we’re looking forward to how you interpret them in typical OMBLE instinctive style!

Creativity thrives on inspiration.​ But following a year of lockdown, many creatives have hit a wall.​ The blank page of a new project has become increasingly daunting.​ Feeling creative again and beating the creative block often isn’t something you can fix on your own. So what’s out there to help?​

That’s where Adobe’s Inspiration Generator comes in – a Rubik’s Cube-like microsite which automatically creates a three-word brief to set a fast challenge. Perfect for One Minute Briefs!!

There are no set rules for how you choose to respond to the Generator but certainly don’t forget to check out Adobe Stock before you get stuck in with Photoshop!

Inspiration Generator Logo.png

One Minute Brief of the Day:

You’ve done posters for ‘Dreamy - Alien - Billboard’…

Now we want you to #BeatTheBlank by taking the Adobe Inspiration Generator for a spin yourself.

  • Chic cowgirl t-shirt?

  • Enigmatic biker album?

  • Psychic robot billboard?

See what you end up creating!

We’re excited to see what everyone comes up with today!!

Tweet your entries to @OneMinuteBriefs and @AdobeUK with the hashtag #BeatTheBlank & link to

Feel free to tag in @AdobeFrance and @AdobeDACH if you can!

Remember to add your twitter handle in the corner of your submissions.

For the chance to win prizes you must enter on Twitter…but feel free to share on Instagram, Linkedin and Facebook too.


  • 1st place - £200 cash

  • 2nd place - £100 cash

Inspiration Generator:


Adobe UK

Adobe France

Adobe Germany


Adobe UK

Adobe France 

Adobe Germany

You can use any of the logos within your entries and see below for some creative inspiration!

Be as creative as you like today!!

Screenshot 2021-05-17 at 19.43.52.png